The Acne Factor of Rosacea, International Rosacea Foundation
The Acne Factor
Acne can play a role in rosacea. Medications used in the treatment of acne can be too harsh resulting in damage to the skin which manifests itself in the form of acne. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by superficial skin eruptions around hair follicles. Many of the more commonly accepted products used to treat acne can actually cause further damage to the skin resulting in other skin conditions such as rosacea. Acne pimples occur in 82% of rosacea patients which may be referred to as "acne rosacea". These products are frequently used to open the pores (exfolients, various acid-based products, and retinoids) but can be very drying and irritating to the skin.

Many products when applied to the skin alter the balance of the skin making it susceptible to bacterial growth and infection. Upsetting the skin's natural balance can lead to yeast infections, perioral dermatitis, over production of sebaceous oils, and possibly worsening of the acne condition.
Controlling these conditions and the factors that cause and further irritate them is important in the management of acne and/or rosacea. Factors which can play a role in this include but are not limited to: glycolic-based ingredients frequently found in foundation, anti-wrinkle creams and moisturizers, cleansers containing salicylic acid, alcohol, or benzyol peroxide. If it has the ability to dry or exfoliate, it can alter the natural balance of the skin. Once this balance is disturbed; the skin reacts with pimples, papules, redness, itching, flaking and/or increased sensitivity.

Rosacea and acne are two entirely different conditions, although they can and do appear together. Rosacea is very often accompanied by acne pimples in over 76% of patients while approximately 35% have seborrheic dermatitis which makes for an even more sensitive skin condition. When the acne and rosacea appear together the result is often called by many names: acne rosacea, rosacea, or adult acne.
Clogged skin pores and bacterial infections cause acne. The blackheads, whiteheads and pimples associated with acne are not associated with rosacea.

The pimples, pustules, and cysts that occur in rosacea may look like typical acne, but closer scrutiny reveals the absence of whiteheads and blackheads. In rosacea, the pimples and cysts rarely appear on the chest and back. Rosacea consists of red bumps called papules. These papules are usually solid and hard. The papules range in size from small bumps that resemble the measles or chicken pox, all the way to larger, penny-shaped nodules.

Acne does not cause rosacea, but many of the medications used in the treatment of acne can contribute to the onset and/or aggravation of rosacea symptoms.
Rosacea consists of more than just pimples. People with rosacea may be prone to prolonged episodes of facial flushing and tend to develop numerous "broken" blood vessels (telangiectasias), and over grown oil glands on the face and neck (sebaceous hyperplasia).

In more advanced cases, these oil glands may merge on the nose to give a strawberry type nose (rhinophyma). Eyelid irritations (blepharitis), as well as other types of eye problems, are also associated with rosacea.
The treatment of rosacea depends upon which problems are present. The acne can be treated in much the same way as common acne.

Acne rosacea is a chronic acne disorder affecting both the skin and the eye. Acne rosacea is a misleading term. Acne rosacea is not true acne, but rather an inflammation of the face, neck or chest that results in red, bumpy, oily skin. Acne rosacea usually appears in people aged 30 to 60. It often begins as a short-term condition that can become chronic and cause facial scarring if not treated.
To restore balance to the skin and promote healing of the skin, the cycle of irritation and sensitivity has to be broken. One way this can be achieved is to restore the minerals to the skin which have been depleted to allow for natural healing to occur. These minerals include but are not limited to zinc, which is well known for its ability to reduce redness, aid in the production and healing of the skin and skin cells, and sulfur which has been used historically for its healing properties.

Among the many zinc based products on the market today, we have found very few that address the issue of acne without further aggravating the existing rosacea condition or as in the case of some products resulting in damage to the skin leading to rosacea. The acne pustules very often start as acne solid acne lesion or solid bumps that are skin or flesh colored. They also are called papulopustules while the pustule is described as an acne pimple with pus thus the term pustule. The pH of a pustule is always on a scale of 1 to 3 lower than the average normal health tissue. Once the top of the pustule becomes so inflamed the body eradicates it by pushing it away from the normal healthy tissue with the result of expulsion. The top in essence rots away allowing the pus to drain or it is so soluble that the normal washing will eradicate the top of the pustule when it is ready. The healing is natural and occurs as normal body tissue heals from any other skin disorder or skin wound.

Scarring is one of the worst things that may be even worse than the acne pimple itself as much epidermis skin is destroyed just as would be from a wound intrusion. Usually over the years it will improve. However, one may contact a cosmetic surgeon such as Dermatology Associates of Atlanta, Ga. for Fascia Lata. The Fascia Lata is inserted into the pitted scar area after a small scapel is slips under the top of scar area with the Fascia Lata being installed into the acne cavity. A small nodule will be raised for several weeks but is "flesh colored". The patient usually messages the area at night or early morning upon arising to assist in the absorption and settlement of the Acne Fascia Lata. Normal aging will help the acne cavity scar to fill as the epidermis of acne scarring grows in slowly, however, after two years or so it may be disappointing, but "what you see is 'almost the way' it will be" except for a slower growth or infill of the acne scar area over the years to come.

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