Acne Phototherapy: How It Works
Acne Phototherapy: How It Works
Acne is a serious condition that can often be painful and frustrating. It is also one of the most common skin condition with almost eighty percent of people worldwide suffering from it at some point in their lives. Now there is a new light-based phototherapy that helps in the treatment of acne. This is a good option for those who don’t want to take medications for their acne.
Acne is one of the hardest skin conditions to treat. Each year about five billion dollars spent on acne treatment options and most of this is on medication. Acne medications range from over-the-counter products to prescription medications. Most of these medicines are expensive and have significant side effects that can result. In addition, many require months of treatment and many people have limited response or not response to the medicines.
Acne Phototherapy
LHE phototherapy is one of the first true solutions for acne that has been proven in clinical trials to work safely on all skin types. The phototherapy uses a combination of red light, green light and heat to achieve excellent clinical results. Patients who use phototherapy have seen up to ninety percent clearance on their skin after a four week, eight session treatment course. After three to six months more patients were still acne free.
Acne needs to be treated fast. The longer a person suffers from acne the deeper the scars can run both physically and emotionally. Therefore, phototherapy works fast and has complete treatment within thirty days compared to the six to eighteen months treatment that is typically required on medication treatments. The addition of heat to phototherapy helps intensify the chemical process which speeds up the treatment time involved. Heat also helps start an anti-inflammatory response that allows the patient to look and feel better after only two week of treatment.
Since phototherapy uses broad spectrum light to treat acne there are no side effects and no consequences that are attributed to medications. There is no better solution to acne that the light-based solution offered by phototherapy today.
How it Works
The blocked pores create an environment that causes the development of a bacteria that produces acne colonies under the skin. Phototherapy uses a series of concentrated pulses of light and heat to safely and effectively clear the skin.
The green wavelength light penetrates deep down into the skin to destroy the bacteria that causes acne. The concentrated pulse of this treatment is ten thousand times more effective than the continuous wave light used in other light-based technologies today.
The red wavelength then helps produce anti-inflammatory results. Heat further increase the effectiveness of phototherapy by opening the skin pores and increasing the chemical reaction. After eight treatments most people have a ninety percent clearance rate.
The efficiency of phototherapy treatments relies on the ability to produce the required photochemical reaction from porphyry activation to oxygen production. This is based on three controlled parameters of wavelength, temperature and the overall concentration of photons.
Although porphyry is reactive to wavelengths in the 400 to 430 blue spectrum it continues to absorb photons throughout the visible spectrum of light. Up until modern times the difficulty has been in the depth of the acne bacteria in the hair follicle and how deep the commonly used blue light spectrum can go. Therefore, modern LHE phototherapy uses the higher range green light spectrum.
By combining direct heat to the light pulses in LHE phototherapy treatment the temperature inside the hair follicle affects a much faster chemical reaction than you would get with light alone. The heat generated by the phototherapy also reduces the inflammation, opens the pores and soothes the painful lesions that are typically found with acne.
Photon Concentration
LHE phototherapy technology uses an extra large spot size. This helps to deliver the maximum concentration of photons or light particles.
