Oral Medications For Hormonal Acne Treatment
Oral Medications For Hormonal Acne Treatment
Contrary to popular belief, adulthood does not guarantee an individual’s immunity from acne, especially hormonal acne. This skin disease, which is prompted by the hormones called androgens, although is more apparent in teens, is also reported to occur in adults. The said condition happens when the androgens activate the production of excess much oil, which eventually clogs the skin pores, and encourage the growth of pimples in an abnormal number, thus acne.
The above-mentioned concept is the simplest explanation for hormonal acne. However, for most women, the skin disease is triggered by a hormonal imbalance. Thus, females who are susceptible to what is also known as acne hormonal imbalance condition may not necessarily have excessively oily skin, but still they develop acne because of an underlying internal cause.
Various oral medications have been developed to cure adult hormonal acne. These medications usually affect hormones by creating a balance in the production thereof. Among the most common medications for hormonal Acne treatment are anti-androgens, oral corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory products), and oral contraceptives.
Anti-androgens control the body’s production of the said hormone. As such, it minimizes the risks of the skin becoming too oily, which in turn will prevent acne from forming. Medications such as spironolactone and flutamide are the most recommended anti-androgens.
Meanwhile, oral corticosteroids or anti-inflammatories are prescribed by some dermatologists to their patients whose problem is mainly concerned in an unregulated production of androgens. These drugs further help the patient prevent acne inflammation. Dexamethasone and prednisone are the usual anti-inflammatory Products used by acne sufferers.
Another cure for hormonal acne is oral contraceptives. These drugs have progestin and estrogen to replace androgens. As such, the body will produce less oil. Low dosages of oral contraceptive pills are FDA-approved to cure blemishes and severe acne. The said type of medication is a great adult hormonal Acne treatment for women who are still not yet ready to have a baby.
However, just like most oral medications, the above-m entioned possible solutions to adult acne also carry adverse effects. For the most part, an adult hormonal acne treatment such as an anti-androgen drug is known to cause irregular menstrual period. It is usually associated with menstrual spotting and nausea. On the other hand, oral corticosteroids can lead to the thinning of bones, which gravely affects the health of the acne sufferer, and weight gain.